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Home » The Journey of Love Continues

The Journey of Love Continues

Indifference. Amazement. Denial. Mourning. Acceptance.
After coming to terms with myself as I traveled from these states,
one after another, I knew life could not continue to be the same.
Something had to change. Some things still have to change.

Indifference. Amazement. Denial. Mourning. Acceptance.
I swam across a mental crater that seemed to be full of eagerness,
to seek meaning, unaware of the fact that it needed some rest,
it needed some love, not from others as much as from the self.

Indifference. Amazement. Denial. Mourning. Acceptance.
I see the battle in the days ahead too, not that of right versus wrong
but of laying down the weapons I’ve raised against myself for long.
The journey of love continues. The journey of love continues.

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