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Aprajita Jha

"I am one, but I am not the only one; hardships and happiness, both spare no one." Governed by this quote that I've written, I try to live each day with courage, care, and compassion.


“It’s okay for people to go separate ways in relationships after they realize they are outgrowing their partners,” said someone during a recent conversation. I… Read More »Outgrowing

In the End

In the end, it is all about the identity. Isn’t it?The sheer want to be seen as someone whodeeply cares, takes risks, and dares to… Read More »In the End


I was four when a cousin of a cousinheld me tight when nobody was around.I felt suffocated, felt something was off.I couldn’t understand what was… Read More »#MeToo

My Love for You

My love for you has always been alivein the highs, in the lows, in deep reflections,in the celebrations and also in the mournings,it has given… Read More »My Love for You

A Rebel?

I’m not sure; can you tell mewhether I’m a rebelby my sheer choicesor by circumstances?I’m not sure; can you tell mewhether unconventionalitywas my calling,or life… Read More »A Rebel?

Some Days

There are some daysI cut open my feelings,put them on my palmsand observe them. There are some daysI acknowledge existenceI feel thankful to livebut I… Read More »Some Days