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Home » Stay Some More/Video Call

Stay Some More/Video Call

Stay some more, just a few more seconds
so I can see you smile, laugh, and relish life,
even though you realize that existence isn’t
always joyful, yet, when I see your lips curve,
it gives me hope like nothing else.

Say a few more words, don’t go just yet;
let me listen to your musings, which you
so passionately share; let me bask some
more in your quirky, amusing, thoughtful
observations that keep me going.

Stay here, stay some more so we can witness
the sudden yet beautiful silences again
without rushing to find words, like the old times,
just being there, feeling each other’s presence;
oh, when will that happen again?

Stay here, give me a few more moments
to capture them all in my memory in all
their vividness, all their beautiful realness
so I can go back to them even in your absence
to celebrate your existence.

Stay some more, a few seconds, a minute,
I need to catch some more glimpses of you
until the next time I get to see you through
a virtual window of time because- the times,
they are strange, after all.

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